Energy Concepts Inc. Announces Summer STEM Workshops for Educators
[April 24, 2017. Mundelein, IL] Energy Concepts, Inc. (ECI), is conducting a summer STEM workshop for educators. The workshop, Material Science Technology, is offered June 26-303-7. Both workshops meet from 8-5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday.
The workshop, Material Science Technology, will demonstrate contextual learning for the five basic categories of materials: Solids, Metals, Polymers, Ceramics, and Composites. Students will learn more about the demands for faster, stronger and more economical materials that fuel a surge in material science-related jobs. Material Science Technology offers a way for students to identify and develop the skills needed to be ready for this competitive job market. This workshop also includes hands-on lab activities, experiments, and demonstrations.
The facilitator is Merrill Rudes of ECI.
The workshop will take place at Energy Concepts, Inc., 404 Washington Blvd. in Mundelein.
For more information or to register for the workshop, contact: Dan White at or call (800) 621-1247.
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